06 February 2010


I don't normally write about politics because if I'm honest, I know only enough about it to be dangerous. Lifestyle commentary is more to my liking, and fortunately, Michelle Obama has given me a topic on which to dip my foot into politics and have a jolly good rant at the same time.

The First Lady has launched a campaign against obesity in general, and childhood obesity in particular and, while its an admirable undertaking, I think it's doomed from the start. Like many unhealthy and potentially dangerous activities human beings engage in (drinking smoking, unprotected sex....) obesity is a lifestyle choice and telling an overweight person they're more likely to suffer heart disease as a result of their foul feeding is like telling me smoking causes cancer. Thanks Ma'am, we've already sorted that one out. The First Lady reckons childhood obesity is reaching epidemic proportions, a fact I don't dispute, but, what exactly is her plan? The Surgeon General's report lists the following very elementary points:
  • Requiring students from pre-kindergarten to grade 12 to take physical education.
  • Requiring child care providers to offer at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day.
  • Requiring schools to develop comprehensive wellness plans that include policies to offer kids more nutritious lunches.
While I don't suffer from an obesity problem, I do take exception to the First Lady, who has a personal trainer, a dietitian, a nutritionist, a professional chef. and access to the healthiest foods available attempting to preach to the choir a lifestyle choice, be it good, bad or indifferent. What's more irritating to me is that Mrs Obama has, to my knowledge, failed to make any mention about how the economic downturn has led to many Americans being forced to give up healthier eating in exchange for less expensive options. If I only have $1.25 in my wallet, I can't afford a bag of "organic" carrots, but I can fill myself up pretty well on a box of unhealthy macaroni & cheese.

I'm sorry Mrs Obama, its a worthy and admirable course of action, but attempting to legislate personal behavior is a waste of your valuable time and has slim hopes of success. That pun is intended, by the way.